How to reduce the risk of losing a dog?
• Provide your dog with an ID Tag or a collar with your name, an address and a phone number.
• Buy a good leash – solid, safe and comfortable. When buying such accessories, do not take into account only the size of the dog, but also its durability, because even a small animal may turn out stronger than it looks.
• Chipping is the most durable identification method. And here we remind something that most people forget: you can also chip cats! The chip is the only security device for a dog / cat that will never fall and which cannot be removed. It reduces the stress and cost of trying to locate your missing pet.
• Do not leave your dog tied up alone outside a shop, it is better for the dog to stay at home.
• Keep your pet on a leash, don’t leave your dog outside alone.
• Look after your pet even in your own garden.
• Reward your pet for coming on demand. It is very helpful to teach your dog to ’come’ when called (indoors and outdoors), it can be a lifesaver command. Make sure your pet comes all the way to you not just half way.
• Sterilize and spay the pet. Such animals are calmer (especially cats), they do not feel like exploring the area, they stay close to home.
• Get your dog used to driving as soon as possible. Remember that everything can stress your pet: the sound of the engine, new smells or wiper movements. Teach your pet to get in and out of the car only on command.